What does it mean to follow Christ?
Jane: Have you ever thought of asking God why He allows such suffering in the world?
John: No.
Jane: Really? Why not?
John: I'm scared to.
Jane: What are you scared of?
John: I'm scared He'll ask me the same question.
The following is one of the most moving testimonies I've heard. Shane Claiborne is a American Christian who's "interned" with Mother Teresa, worked in a leper colony, lived among the homeless in Philadelphia, and was ministering with other Christians in Iraq just as the Shock and Awe campaign started. Hear his story and how he came to answer the tough question: So what about being a believer in Christ, what does it mean to become a follower of Christ? Its not a short video, so set aside some time for this one.
I personally need to discover some "Calcuttas" of the world. I'll be picking up Claiborne's book The Irresistible Revolution soon (also available at Chapters/Amazon), and will post up a book review.
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The Simply Way - Shane's 'church' formed with some friends
Other Videos - Some other YouTube videos of Shane Claiborne