Getting quite excited as I'm diving into more reading/meditation on the topics of solitude and silence. Check out this excerpt from Bill Hybel's Too Busy Not To Pray:
You can't become an authentic Christian on a diet of constant activity, even if the activity is all church related. Ministry, Christian rock concerts, weekend conferences, church committee meetings - these all may be valuable, but they are not your main source of strength. Strength comes out of solitude... I'll repeat what I said... the archenemy of spiritual authenticity is business
Starting to get on the ball with planning and preperation for the Fallow Earth service. You know what? I've always wanted to write... but never really had a topic that really grabbed me. Well sometimes I did have topics but was too lazy (I'll mention this in a minute).
Anyway currently I have the passion to write some type of devotion book, I guess snippets of what I've been discovering on my journey with solitude or silence. Perhaps the title would be:
Solitude - Meditations on a Closer Walk with God. This might end up just being a byproduct of my prepping for Fallow Earth which is leading me to hunt through several books on the topic.
The other thing I had wanted to write on I thought was a neat idea, but I'm already too old for it. (yup... at 23). The concept of the book would be a series of letters of dialogue between a 18 year old youth, and a parent. Only both letters would be written by myself.. firstly as a 18 year old living at home with parents, then as a parent with a 18 year old child (yes I know.. assuming I get married and have kids and the world doens't end, etc etc). I thought it'd be a neat attempt to help bridge the gap. Truth is, when I'm in my fifties, I WILL forget what it was like to be 18. Maybe theres a lot to be said for just writing ideas and things out. Hmm is 23 too late?
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