Monday, November 28, 2005


Excerpt from today's My Utmost for His Highest devotional (Link)

We have to realize that we cannot earn or win anything from God; we must either receive it as a gift or do without it. The greatest blessing spiritually is the knowledge that we are destitute, until we get there Our Lord is powerless. He can do nothing for us if we think we are sufficient of ourselves; we have to enter His Kingdom through the door of destitution.

That man writes with such succinct clarity its disturbing... lol. Humble pie anybody?

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Friday, November 25, 2005

Residual Image...

Remember in the Matrix where you look like your residual image or whatever? Have some fun, click on my pic and make your own:

Avatar Creator

The "email" link doesn't work, so you'll have to print screen and paste into a picture editor like Paint.

Oh and on my last post I had listed that "Persistence" picture, haha I found the entire collection. You can view them here or buy them from the creators. One of my favs that would be awesome to have the mug and bring to work: Meetings. Enjoy the cynicism... haha so snarky.

P.S. Wow being at the computer all day at work means I do quite a bit of surfing...

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Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Just give it up

haha came across this funny picture, it made me laugh a lot. Not even sure why, but perhaps it will do the same for you:

LOL. Not like "ha ha" funny, more like a snickering that starts small and grows.

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Saturday, November 19, 2005

When stars align...

Well my parents come home tomorrow. Its been about 6 weeks of enjoyable bachlor life ^_^ Naturally I want to be responsible, so a lot of things to do before the 'rents come home, cleaning, booking off work so I can pick them up, going to cook them a nice meal to come home to, etc. Then some things came to rain on my parade:

This week I got a flat tire on Wednesday night, at 2:30am, when it was -32 (inc windchill)... without gloves I wasn't going to change the tire myself. So then caught taxi home.. had to get taxi back to the car, get tow truck, etc. Then today, got into a car accident... which wasn't my fault, but yeah, I'm sure my mom can't wait to see how dented the driver's door is, you can feel a draft while driving... This on top of scratching my dad's van.. wow. Well only 1 of the 3 incidents was my fault, but still. Hoping to at least get the tire fixed tomorrow afternoon so only 2 of the incidents are visible.. lol

Funny how the little things can so easily bog us down, and deflate enthusiasm. I'm here at work, and just feel as if my legs have been cut out from undernearth me... I suppose little disappointments can prove to be a lot. Mind you pretty consistently I go through emotional hardship about a week or two before a Unite event. hm.

looks straight ahead not at me

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Friday, November 11, 2005

When the time is just right

I Need Words by David Crowder Band [ Listen ( ]

I need words
As wide as sky
I need language wide as
This longing inside
And I need a voice
Bigger than mine
And I need a song to sing you
That I've yet to find

I need you, oh
I need you
I need you, oh
I need you
To be here now
To be here now
To here me now
To here me now

Left today for work (doing 5:30pm-2:00am shifts) and you just catch the right sunset sometimes... had to turn around and go home to get my camera and ended up a few mins late for work. Haha I consider it worth it. Sometimes the time just has to be right... I didn't have time to manually do any settings... this was just whatever I had my camera on last, no editing. Hmm. (looking west across Waverley by Richmond West)

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Friday, November 04, 2005

Go to your cell...

Getting quite excited as I'm diving into more reading/meditation on the topics of solitude and silence. Check out this excerpt from Bill Hybel's Too Busy Not To Pray:

You can't become an authentic Christian on a diet of constant activity, even if the activity is all church related. Ministry, Christian rock concerts, weekend conferences, church committee meetings - these all may be valuable, but they are not your main source of strength. Strength comes out of solitude... I'll repeat what I said... the archenemy of spiritual authenticity is business

Starting to get on the ball with planning and preperation for the Fallow Earth service. You know what? I've always wanted to write... but never really had a topic that really grabbed me. Well sometimes I did have topics but was too lazy (I'll mention this in a minute).

Anyway currently I have the passion to write some type of devotion book, I guess snippets of what I've been discovering on my journey with solitude or silence. Perhaps the title would be: Solitude - Meditations on a Closer Walk with God. This might end up just being a byproduct of my prepping for Fallow Earth which is leading me to hunt through several books on the topic.

The other thing I had wanted to write on I thought was a neat idea, but I'm already too old for it. (yup... at 23). The concept of the book would be a series of letters of dialogue between a 18 year old youth, and a parent. Only both letters would be written by myself.. firstly as a 18 year old living at home with parents, then as a parent with a 18 year old child (yes I know.. assuming I get married and have kids and the world doens't end, etc etc). I thought it'd be a neat attempt to help bridge the gap. Truth is, when I'm in my fifties, I WILL forget what it was like to be 18. Maybe theres a lot to be said for just writing ideas and things out. Hmm is 23 too late?

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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The evening shifts begin...

Today was my first day of real work at Convergys, but also marks the beginning of my evening shifts. I'll be starting work between 3-6pm and finishing from 11:30pm-2:30am. Not exactly the hours I'd like, and will do a number on my social life. But it is a job, and will raise the funds for me to pay off my debt before my missions trip to Austria.

Speaking of that, so I did email the Schloss and they said it'd be cool if I were to come back. So yeah right now its just a matter of working out the details, and my next major step would be to let people know about my decision and to seek sponsorship for my volunteer term. Weird, seems so distant and far away, but really if I go for it (and God willing), this can really happen.

So built a second cajon this week for someone (you know who you are :P). Also tried out my cajon in a worship team enviroment finally (along with an egg shaker and tambourine) for a practice with Erica, Sheldon, Conrad, Geoff. It was lotsa of fun!

Also had another dinner party, heh. We watched The Corporation. Its an amazing Canadian documentary, that looks at what a corporation is and its effect on society. This is REALLY worth seeing. Definitely one of the most moving documentaries I've ever seen, I can just say WOW. Check out the link for many reviews, and yes I'd love to watch it with you (or lend it to you) and discuss it. Hmm I'm really into documentaries lately, saw March of the Penguins for the 2nd time this week with Janet and Sol. Good times, good movie, good documentary.

Ok sleep time, time to teach myself to make be productive in my mornings ^_^

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