Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Been thinking about ideas, and how good it is to always be exposed to new perspectives, thoughts, ideas, etc. Last night had dinner with a Canadian IVCF worker who's been visiting Central Asia regularly, an Uzbek medical student studying theology at the Schloss, a Russian speaking Ukranian theological student, and a British medical student currently working for the Christian Dental and Medical Fellowship. Its so enriching to encounter different ideas, perspectives, cultures, etc.

It reminds me you of the bigger picture. Let me give you an example - in Canada you don't ride with strangers and you always buckle your seatbelt. Well in Uzbekistan it is quite the opposite - in Uzbekistan any car is a potential taxi. That is, if you need to get anywhere you just flag down any car, and see if they'll take you were you need to go. Everyone does it, its not an especial source of crime, although one always needs to exercise common sense. There's a convention of how much they charge and how much you pay, but they'll take you were you need to go. A few do this full time, but for the most part, most are just ordinary people. The idea being if someone is going where you're going anyway, you can help each other out. Oh, and its illegal to wear a seatbelt in the rear seats.

On that note, a couple other interesting ideas and perspectives I came across today:

-Video of King of the Hill's take on megachurches

-A great article by the author of InternetMonk.com titled "Wretched Urgency" tackling the question - is Christianity about converting people?

Ideas are powerful things. What we think matters.


Paul said...

Yeah, I've been amazed too about the power of an idea, when its' time has come. Looking over history, there are many good examples, but also within any one person's journey. There are certain ideas I have been exposed to, that when I heard them I had no "choice"--I was instantly converted. But really, the conversion had been going on for a long time, right? I couldn't not accept the new idea, or even choose to stop thinking about it--not even if my life depeneded on it!

Anonymous said...

Well, it is quite true about the 'taxis' in Central Asia... but the seatbelts are not illegal! It is encouraged, actually, to use them. But it is not required! :) I tried to use them on several occasions, but usually you get unapproved reactions from drivers (even my brother)... for example, once when one of my profs at medical school was willing to give me a ride (not as a taxi!) after the class, I started pulling the seatbelt, and he looked at me rather suprized and said "You do not trust me?!?", to what I responded "I trust you, but can I trust other drivers!?!"