Friday, December 01, 2006

Blog Updates

I've made the move to Google's new Blogger Beta, so what you'll notice is the new labels. Each post I write can be assigned labels, which you can think of a way of tagging all my posts.

So for example my previous post was tagged: article, chinese and culture. By clicking on any of labels you can see all my other posts with similar tags.

I plan to be blogging more these days, for whatever reason the juice is simply flowing. I'm not really a fan of my current colors/layout however, expect a makeover coming soon! I'm an obsessive compulsive minimalistic. Flickr has a photo group of neat web designs, hoping to draw some inspiration from there. Cheers!

1 comment:

N.J. said...

ALLAN! Would you like to help out with our ultimate team's website? We'll even let you join!

(This offer is void)

haha jk