Saturday, March 18, 2006

Food for thought

Today's email from Christian Quotation of the Day was:

On the one hand, in matters of the spirit, nothing fails like success. On the other hand, in matters of the spirit, nothing succeeds like failure.
Os Guinness (b.1941), Dining with the Devil: the Megachurch Movement Flirts with Modernity [1993], p.89
Worth thinking about...


simplejoys said...

hmm, somewhat of a paradox, no?

Allan Tan said...

Yes I think it is paradoxical. I do think there's a lot of truth to it though. Success, while not being inherently bad, usually causes pride or can turn my focus from God to success itself. Failure, while not being inherently good, seems to give me a softer heart and causes me to turn my focus on my abilities to God.

*raises glass* Here's to... failing? :P Haha okay maybe just a healthy balance of failure and success ^_^