Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Maybe this time I'll finish it...

Why the change in color? To make it fit better onto my new website.

Yah I purchased awhile back and started working on it. I have a lot of ideas, but hopefully I'll actually be finishing it more than my former website.

I don't have much done yet, you can check out my pictures and sign the guestbook if it so pleases you tho :)

I'm currently taking a course on the importance of studying history, last couple days have been looking at World War II. I have to admit, I'm quite ignorant of the events and the world situation. It blows my mind to consider the things that happened, but today's class reminded me of the scarier part - the holocaust was not some farfetched surprise. We reaped what was sown. Antisemitism did not magically spring up when Hitler was appointed chancellor... no things had been in motion for centuries. What that also means is that things could have been changed long before the extermination of around 6 million Jews.

Tomorrow we take a field trip out to the Dachau concentration camp, just north of Munich. Its crazy to think of the horrors committed just a few hours drive from where I am. Or even the place I am now... part of the Schloss's history was that it was used by the German SS during WWII, and Himmler himself had some operations here.

I think I'd like to write something about history soon, but need to reflect and think somemore first... perhaps this Lord of the Rings quote sums and warns us well:

The world is changed: I feel it in the
water, I feel it in the earth, I smell it
in the air...Much that once was is lost,
for none now live who remember it...

...and some things that should not have been forgotten...were lost

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." (Santayana)

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