Saturday, December 10, 2005

The unglorious trenches that must be held

Yesterday night I was tempted to buy Band of Brothers, a miniseries based on WWII stories of the famous airborne regiment Easy Company. Theres something about war stories thats so appealing - perhaps its the adventure, the glory, the chance to test and see what you're really made of.

Aye what a beautiful letdown it is. Its funny how that works out - especially as Christians we want to do great things. The beautiful letdown is when we are faced with a difficult struggle - one that is not glorious nor adventurous. It is painful, slow, filled with drudgery - the type of battle that is infinitely easier to avoid and ignore...

Perhaps blogs are meant to vent... I don't know. Maybe I'm the type of person who almost has to wear his heart on a sleeve. Alas another lot has fallen to me, no plans to get into the specific details here. Theres a mix of feelings - why me?. If it is for the greater good (which I do believe it to be), then this is selfish response to be sure. So I tremble - will I be the man?

I'm learning that the battle is not won on the spotlight of this world. It is these unglorious trenches - when everything in you wants to quit or run away and hide. No one would see, no would know. One episode of Band of Brothers a soldier shares his shameful confession. That on D-Day when they stormed the beach, he got seperated from his platoon, and ended up in a hole well concealed. He confesses that he never tried to find his group, that during all the battle he hid. No one knew, no one had to know. But he makes his confession, and from there he takes up his responsibility, his calling, and his purpose and fights from then on - wow.

Chambers words echo and haunt once more: "It is ingrained in us that we have to do exceptional things for God—but we do not. We have to be exceptional in the ordinary things of life." O that we would stand by the grace and strength of God in our unglorious trenches and fight the battles that fall to each of us.

Edit - Oh my I've glanced over my last few posts... far too serious, introspective, meh ai yah. OK some humour to lighten to mood. Although stay tuned, I think my next topic will try to address - why is it so easy and common for people to share relatively intimated and personal reflections on blogs anyway???

Some good times working at Convergys (all true):

Me: Thank you for calling Comcast. My name is allan, can I please have the phone number on your account starting with area code?
Some guy: *starts dialing*
Me: Uh.. could you just tell me please?
Me: Ok, now that we did that could we try opening up a web browser and lets see if you can get online.
Lady: Heck no! I only know how to turn this thing on
Me: *presses mute button and groans*
Cool NYer: Yeah man I feel ya
Me: Uh.. haha (considers saying "ya I feel it too brotha, but wisely doesn't)
Me: Ok could you turn off the computer please?
Lady: *presses button on the monitor* Ok theres nothing on my screen now
Lady: So why are they called cookies anyway?
Me: you know what? I have no idea... no one's ever asked me that before (and I still don't know!


Anonymous said...

funny how most of the funny responses came from... females...

not to be sexist or anything but haha anyone else caught that?

Bravemonkey said...

Hey Allan - how many 'the modem is in standby' calls do you get? They're not so common in CCOL, on my first one I troubleshot for a good half-hour before realizing what it was!

nerd stuff:

Here's for cookies:

Cookies are named after the computer science term "magic cookie".

(broken link - try: this one).

Lou doesn't mince words, but there it is--cookies are named after the term "magic cookie" used by Unix programmers. The link in Lou's email points to The New Hackers Dictionary, which defines a magic cookie as "Something passed between routines or programs that enables the receiver to perform some operation."

-- Excerpt from Domino Power Magazine.

Allan Tan said...

hk guy:

Heh well I'd have to say yes in general the ladies are less computer savvy - many will say "hold on, lemme get my bf/husband, he knows about this computer stuff"

THAT being said, more guys fake computer knowledge than girls I find. HAHA


Yeah many modem standbys.. grr those RCA cable modems are the worst for that, as the lights on the CM aren't obvious, at least the motorola ones eventually the sub will be like "yeah I just have this one amber light on". Heard from Josh you worked at CVG, but haven't see you there yet. Then on I only work nights... :( Thanks for the links btw re: cookies, some interesting stuff! Altho I'm still curious about why its called a cookie at first.

Perhaps because we like to eat cookies and only later do we ask "what was in that?"?? heh

Bravemonkey said...

Yah, I work in the morning - 6:45am - 3:15p... our paths' aren't too likely to cross...