Thursday, December 15, 2005


Starting Xmas I get day shifts at work!! 8:15-4:45 for the entire week of the 25-31st, I'm assuming I'll be getting days from herein! Wow I just might keep working here longer afterall... :P Its an especially pleasant surprise because we were told not to even imagine day shifts until after our 3 months of probation were done.

Right now scheduled to work xmas day 8:15-4:45 dunno about that (>.<) I should probably talk to someone about that. "Religious observance" anyone? lol.

Wow I don't even know what to say. Mind you I'm sleeping around ~6am everyday, so starting work at 8:15 is really going to kick my ass for awhile.

On other reflections... should try taking myself less seriously

Edit - Probably a premature celebration... some other employees were saying we're just getting day shifts for a week. If this is the case I'm going to yell at someone. Asking people to switch their sleeping hours by 7 hours for one week is pretty bogus if you ask me. I'll have to find out for sure *crosses fingers*

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